Saturday, June 20, 2009

Seeing through the screen

this blog today makes me wonder what lies beneath the surface. Alot of people say alot of things but how do tell whats true from whats fake. How do we trust a person and allow them to trust you back. I dont trust nobody and i dont expect them to trust me back until they prove to me that they are who excpeted them to be a liar...I know that some lies are said to protect peoples feelings. I understand that but little lies like oh im going to the baseball game but ur bowling a lie really not meant to be said. if your in your heart you feel as if you have to lie to them so that they will like you better then they are not the ones for you. I never meet a guy that i havent lied to but i never meet a guy that made me want to open up except one time. his lies cost the best relationship i ever had. He will and alwayz be the one that got a away in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. This is a tough 1!!! Females want da truth but ya'll can't handle da truth 4 real 4 real. I'm always completely open an honest wit every female I encounter in life & it costs me not too get as much play as my hoish friends who say whatever's clever just 2 get da draws. Ya'll always percieve dat honest man as either haveing excellent "game" dat's too good 2 be true or on da other hand ya'll think he's too boring, no swagg, etc. Ya'll want a bad boy but also a good man but having both is impossible. Niggaz know when U lie slim but if they call u out what would they gain...nothing!!! If U stop da lies dat don't mean they will but U will attract different types of men by keeping it me!!! Females want a nigga dat's making money but a nigga will take a broke broad all day if she keep it real him.

    - Mr. 40. Watt -
